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Valley cover ? The bit that covers the big hole Under the inlet manifold As opposed to an open engine where you can see the push rods doing their thing Bfit
MateOne o these will help http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/261265470712?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649BfitPs Mighty mouse is on the road
Ahh my young apprentice Mopars have a separate valley cover. We can take off our intake manifolds without uncovering our oily valleys. No hasals to ensure you have it oily tight if one elects to remove the intake manifold later.Also allows the intake manifold to run cooler. No water runs through our intake manifolds either.
CammO,I noticed that some of the bolts have fouled the inlet manifold
Camo,How is the pop bonnet scoop work, is it on a vacuum/ springs, or driver activated,Cheers,Lefty
Torx heads, I hate those bloody things. It's only to hold down the valley cover inspection plate and if I'm ever taking that off the manifold will be off too.
Where it's warranetd. The inspection plate screws onto the valley cover not the block. Where the valley cover screws onto the block alan heads will not be used
Yeah height is a bit of an issue, still working on that
Story of your life with you and engine builds... :D
Yeah I reckon if you per-assembled the inspection cover with the right blue stuff sealant and let it set you could even get away with not fitting those bolts that fouled out, worst come to worst that is
No bolts??? Hey this is a Camo build not a Jethro build She'll be right. We have it all sorted.