Author Topic: Headlight replacement - Cibie ?  (Read 10456 times)

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Offline Stingraynut

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« on: January 16, 2004, 03:02:26 PM »
I'm planning to upgrade the poor quality sealed beam headlights on my 88

Judging by my activity on this forum you'd think my car is a heapa but actually it's my dream car and has to live up to those high standards. ha

My research indicates that the Cibie 200x142 rectangular lense is v good but I haven't located an Aussie supplier yet - so just posting here to get any help or advice.

Maybe this is of interest - I first began my research when I discovered the name of the new type of car headlights -xenon headlights - I've been raving about these new car headlights for a while, the lense is so crystal clear, the light so white.

I discovered that they need an 800 volt shock to start up then run at maybe half the amp draw of standard lights for almost twice the brightness, with less heat. So they have a ballast and electronics to run them.

Oh, I want some.

(Anything that doesn't need the electronics is a fake or a mix of Halogen and Xenon which is only halfway there.)

Then I discovered we were looking at about $1500 - just for the bulbs and electronics.

So.......back to the Cibie's -  anyone ?


Offline Vette Obsessed

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2004, 04:13:24 PM »
Hi Stingraynut,

I replaced my lousy stock headlights (55w/55w) with some semi sealed H4 headlights in the OEM size from my local car parts store.  I installed brighter bulbs in them (I think 90w/100w - I can't recall) bulbs and the difference is huge.  I angled the lights down a touch so as to not startle oncoming drivers with the brighter bulbs and so far so good.

I did this at least two years ago so I can't recall the exact cost but I think all the hardware owed me something like $120.  Installation was free because I did it myself.

They aren't Xenon's or Cibie's but they are a huge improvement over stock.  Before changing the lights, they were useless (and dangerous) at 80km/h - now adequate light isn't an issue.

I can check the exact cost and brightness if it helps.
"Life's tough.  It's tougher when you're stupid"

Offline Stingraynut

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2004, 05:23:25 PM »
Hi Vette Obsessed,

thanks for the info, I reckon anything will be better than the sealed beams I have now.

Last week Repco reckoned they could supply something if I told them the size, then I discovered the 'Cibie' comments from many places.

I related to a comment I found on Corvette Forum that stated that the Cibie's have a good high and low beam angle - the thread said that Hella and other makes (in Corvette size) have a large angle so that if low beam is good, high beam lights up the skies (slight exageration to show the point). Mine are like that now, making things worse.

So, if I can, I'll get Cibie's

European Auto Imports have replied to an email query today -"HI


which looks very hopeful, as I asked about Cibie, but I will have to get them to confirm the brand and also the mis print size, I'm assuming that 142x200 is our size, it's a standard and mine measure that on the outside.

I still have to get globes after that, I'm looking for "Narva xenon 60/55 plus 30" which has got several good comments. I think they are a xenon/halogen mixture so don't need all the complicated electronics, maybe will draw usual amps but be bright.

I don't want to burn the paint of the car in front - blisters will do.

(I've sent you an Air Pump update email)


Offline ddd

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2004, 10:19:08 PM »
I'm interested in the air pump saga- is this something we all should know about?

Offline Stingraynut

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2004, 11:06:49 AM »
Hi DD, re the Air Pump. My Air Pump story takes up 3 posts - beginning here -
then -
and almost finally - (I hope)

My re-engineered , re-engineered pump is not back on the car yet so I can't finish the story although I'm confident this time it's FIXED. There really should be no problem if the job is done right the first time.


Offline ben73

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2004, 02:15:41 PM »
Hey Rob,
Ring Ingrams in Carins, they will have what you want, and probably cheaper than repco.
1/229 Scott Street,
Cairns, QLD. 4870.
 Ph:   (07) 4033 7945
Fax: (07) 4033 7954

They have every auto-elec part you could ever want..  I needed a new voltage reg for my corvettes alternator one saturday morning..  no prob, they had one for about $35 ;-)
Red/Red '84  12.4@111.6mph

Offline Stingraynut

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2004, 02:54:44 PM »
Hey, thanks Ben

How come you know more about my town than I do ?

I've never heard of them.

BTW - Scott St is the most dangerous street in town, during the week and deserted on Sat afternoons and Sundays.

It's a street full of trade shops - building, automotive etc and crazy trademen, short of time, with beaten up utes who just drive straight out in front of you, turn sharply across the traffic - or do U turns.

I reckon anyone who can drive up and down 10 times without an accident should automatically get a driving license.

And you want me to drive down Scott St, to 'Ingrams' in my precious vette, with the 500watt stereo, $1500 worth of new tyres, heated O2 sensor, borrowed Air Pump ?????????

I'll ring them first.

Thanks mate


Offline 77CVT

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2004, 10:21:02 AM »
Any info on better headlights (brand part nos etc) is more than welcome!  

Offline Stingraynut

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2004, 09:01:48 AM »
I've ordered some Cibie 142mmx200mm headlight replacement units - $88 each - from AME. (Ingrams didn't have them but they put me on the trail through 3 other suppliers)

AME sell the Narva globes which are very popular as an extra bright light but recently have found that the  
Tungsram 'Megalight' globes are brighter again and very popular. They sell a lot to commercial trucks etc which suggests they are good and also reliable. At $25 a pair I'll give them a go.

I hope the Cibies and the globes live up to their promise. I'll post back here in a few weeks and report.


Offline Stingraynut

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Headlight replacement - Cibie ?
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2004, 06:57:43 PM »
Ok, I fitted my Cibie replacement headlights and some TUNGSRAM MEGALIGHT PLUS globes - these globes are supposed to be better than the popular Narva globes that people raved about last eyar.

They are rated at 55/60 - I tested them wired directly to a 12volt battery and the Hi beam light is much whiter and brighter than the new globes - 55/100watt supplied with the headlamps.

BUT...... I have a dark spot in the centre of the beam, I think this is an alignement thing, I'm going to try a washer under the globe to pull it out of the lamp a few millimetres.

Failing that I'm considering removing some of the silver covering on the point of the globe.

My lights are now adequate but having spent about $180 I'd hoped to be better than that.

I know that alignement of globe to reflector is very important - anyone have any clues ?
