Author Topic: Historic Plates Constitution, please read if you are on Historic Club Plates  (Read 31521 times)

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For those on club plates who have not filled out and sent back their clubs Historic Club Plates Declaration including all other necessary documents, e.g. pink slips etc, you are urged to do so immediately or your club plate rego could be revoked.

The form is also available on the Clubs website Here
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Offline toyvet

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 :hi: Hello everyone and welcome to 2013
A message to members on club plates, as you know for sometime now this club has been asking you to do a minimum of 3 club outings per year,there are plenty of club runs and shows that you can participated with your car on club plates ( including other clubs car shows ).

As in part 4 of the constitution for the use of historic vehicles


Club membership is granted in the belief that the members prime intended use is for club outings,the committee retains the right to reconsider eligibility for issue or renewal,should this cease to be the case or if the vehicle does not attend club outings during the year without good cause.
If you have a second vehicle on club plates eg--( Comaro,Datsun,Holden,etc etc ) you have to do 3 club runs with this vehicle per year,is up to you ( breakfast runs,lunch runs,club meetings ) if you don't you will ( Not get a private run numbers in the future ).
With our newly-elected events co-ordinator and southern rep Im sure there will be some new and interesting runs offered to fill your weekends thoughout the year.
So please come out with us and enjoy your club.

See you on a run somewhere soon


Jorge Vazquez

Historic Club Plate Registrar

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Hi Jorge , out of interest, what is the cost of club rego these days? 
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Offline toyvet

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Club Rego cost $ 55 a year including the green slip --plus  $ 35 pick slip--and insurance goes down too --

Offline Miss Independent

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In our last meeting we talked about club registration. I hope the following information will help you understand the rules for vehicles on historic plates.

1. To re-register a vehicle on club plates you need firstly to undergo an annual inspection by an authorised motor vehicle inspection station and obtain a Pink Slip for renewal.

2. Also you need to bring the following forms to club meeting

   1/ RMS vehicle declaration ( 2 copies if you are bringing it to club meeting ) as Tracy has no way of copying it at meeting .

   2/ NSW Corvettes declaration 1 copy -you can download from club web site together with club constitution for use of historic vehicles.

   3/ And you'll need 1 photo copy of your inspection report (Pink Slip ).

If you posting to Tracy send a photo copy of your Pink Slip, NSW Corvettes Declaration form and your RMS Historic Vehicle Declaration .
The Historic Vehicle declaration form will be posted back to you stamped and sign so you can register your car.

The above process needs to be repeated each year for renewal.

To retain your club plates you need to be an active member of the club and attend at least 3 runs per annum.

Please note that the club retains a copy of these 3 forms
Hope this makes clear the process required by the RMS and our club to receive club registration.

If you want to register an imported vehicle.

  1/ Go to RMS website

  2/ Go to search

  3/ Type - How to register an imported vehicle.

All the information you need is on this site.

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Offline Miss Independent

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This is from the minutes of the last CMC meeting 24th Nov 2015

“Historic registration scheme”
Part 1
Make sure that you have the current club magazine in the car when using the car on HCRS Plates for runs etc. The club registrar must be notified for car usage that are not monthly runs.
Rego labels are still being issued for HCRS rego.
No label is now been issued for normal rego.
Limited to total usages as set by each club, as well as distance travelled .
Part 2
The 60 day log book Historic scheme is now in force for clubs to allow members to participate. The clubs have to OPT IN for this scheme .
This allows 60 days plus club arranged events days. The log book has to be used on a daily basis If opting in for this part of the scheme then the registrar has no need for notification This allows for 60 days PLUS Club events That’s a total of 72 events that he car could be used for in any one year, with no mileage restriction.

The RMS will investigate to see if a vehicle is on Historic plates and should not be . There will be penalties issued as the vehicle is deemed to be UN REGISTERED as the plate is only a permit situation. The vehicle will have to transfer to the CVS Scheme


This is the new scheme that we were referring to as the Modified scheme.

The Plate will be a full size “WHITE & GREEN” CONDITIONAL PLATE (same as a Forklift, or implement )

There will be a meeting with the RMS and DEPT of Transport this week to finalise the scheme for vehicles over 30 years old. There will be no special conditions as to usage and restrictions to distances travelled.

For classic vehicles that have been fully registered. Any modifications present will have to conform to VSI 6 (no replica’s or individually constructed vehicles)
Modified vehicles will have to have a certification from a VSCCS-CERTIFIER previously known as the old engineering certificate.
Applies to all vehicles with a GVM (Gross Vehicle Mass) of up to 3,500kg
The 60 Day logbook scheme will be introduced and as of this date the RMS is still working out the finer points.

The RMS has NOT issued any further information as to the CLASSIC VEHICLE SCHEME’s start date.

Clubs have to be affiliated with the CMC to participate in the CVS Scheme
Clubs represented
4wd clubs, Street Machine and Hot Rod Clubs, CMC, Motor sport classic clubs and  ACT Council of clubs and the Southern Motoring groups. In total there are over 100 clubs represented and a total of over 200,000 vehicles.

The CMC will notify all clubs as to its progress. According to the scheme that is due to start first quarter 2016 still has NOT been announced.
Please do not go to any RMS store as yet as they are in as much darkness as to the scheme as we are.

Please make sure that the RMS has the up to date club  address’s for them to contact clubs, as they often send info to lapsed addresses.The first notification letter will be sent this month.

Please make note that the clubs constitution would have to be modified to allow for the “CVS” Plate scheme to be accepted as part of the clubs running protocol.
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I suspect there may be a number of misconceptions regarding the new 'Logbook' scheme and the presentation made last night at the general meeting may have been a little misleading. As a current participant in the scheme (60 day trial) and a member of other clubs participating in the scheme I would like to clarify what is fact, what is fiction and my speculation on where the trial will go.
The Council of Motor Clubs (NSW) initially resisted a logbook system due to concerns over misuse of the system as had occurred in Victoria but changed tact due to an overwhelming pressure by its members.  The CMC is the lead organisation interacting with RMS to introduce the new system.
The new system went live in October 2015 on a two year trial basis.
The trial has no affect on the existing system unless you voluntarily elect to participate in the trial. There is no cost increase or fee to participate in the trial.
To participate in the trial, a club must be registered with RMS as a HCRS club plus elect to participate in the trial. NSW Corvettes complies to both requirements.
The intention of the trial was to have some people currently participating in the Historic Registration Scheme (HCRS) move to a scheme similar to the system operating in other states to allow more use of vehicles representing historic motoring to be used on the roads above and beyond the restrictions of club events.
RMS initial proposals indicated current HCRS participants could remain on the current scheme or elect to participate in the logbook trial. The original intent was either  1. Club events and maintenance OR 2. 60 days inclusive of maintenance requirements and club events.
There are clear discrepancies in the documentation supplied once you elect to participate in the scheme. The new  'Conditions of Use' certificate still indicates the vehicle can only be used for club events and maintenance PLUS an endorsement 'Participating in Logbook Trial' but the provided logbook indicates 60 days plus club events and maintenance.
After the trial there is no guarantee that the logbook scheme will be adopted nor that the current scheme will remain in the future.
The text referenced from CMC and advice from the December meeting indicate a limit of 72 (60 from logbook + 12 club) runs during the trial. The 12 club runs is a MINIMUM commitment from CMC for its members and not a limit.
In accordance with our Historic Vehicle Constitution, any run authorised by the club and posted to the calendar (in the front of the magazine) is an authorised run and consequently approval for participation by HCRS registered vehicles.
 Last year there were more than 50 authorised runs. These included monthly meetings, BBQs, events organised by our club and events organised by other clubs but approved for members attendance. I have been unable to find any specified limit within the RMS (including the Conditions of Use Certificate) or CMC data sheets. Review of the CMC web site also indicates they approved more than 12 runs during 2015. They refer to these as 'Sanctions'. Their site includes multiple sanctioned events sponsored by affiliated clubs.

There is no 12 run limit on the use of HRS vehicles.  Last night it was implied that there is a 12 run limit mandated. There is no limit in CMC, RMS or NSW Corvettes constitution. There is a 12 run limit directed to event organisers from an executive meeting held in early in 2015, but this only applies to our clubs internally organised runs. The meeting where this was discussed indicated participation in events organised by other clubs would continue to be included as authorised events. This could be changed by committee decision. Change to the constitution would require a vote at an AGM or special meeting.

MY SPECULATION (strictly my opinion)
The trial will be made a permanent registration method due to popularity and the potential for RMS to rein in some more dollars. The only threat to this will come if gross abuse of the system is detected.
I believe the discrepancy between the 'Conditions of Use Certificate' and logbook will be resolved by removal of the "plus club runs and maintenance" from the logbook meaning there will be a blanket 60 day limit.
I think the cost will definitely rise. Advice from Victorian participants is that the cost is based on a pro-rata basis. If NSW follows suit that would mean cost would be about 1/6th the cost of full registration +CTP (around $150 - $180). Of course RMS may choose to bump that up depending on what they think they can squeeze from us.
I think there is a good chance the old scheme will be dropped for no other reason than simplification of administration and increased revenue by RMS.

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Mmmmmm ,so glad for full rego. The RMS are all over the place with this still . My mate has 45 cars and when he tried to change some of his cars they had no plates , that was last week . The log book is a sheet of paper easily lost miss placed . I also think if tomany sign up and the RMS see how much revenue they are giving away the price will go up alot . Also if most people change from the old to the new system there will be no going back to the much cheeper historic plate . Just my thoughts , and some more speculation as i said the RMS are still on a work in progress

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I'm with you Ray, I like to drive anywhere, any time, if however, I get the 78 back on the road, then costs, age (mine) and income  may dictate the 60 day option in the future. Ah! it's great to have options.
🖕 Vettech.

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PDF Updated 09/05/16
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Cam - where do I find this update. Thanks
🖕 Vettech.

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Cam - where do I find this update. Thanks

Ummmm, at the top of this thread and on the website here
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Cam. This update - is it different to the original.  If you know, could you please advise. I dont remember any thing being changed in commitee. thanks doug.
🖕 Vettech.

Offline Camo

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Cam. This update - is it different to the original.  If you know, could you please advise. I dont remember any thing being changed in commitee. thanks doug.

Not completely sure Doug what the changes and or additions are.  It was sent to me for updating on the website.  Suggest you contact Tracy
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Club logos have been updated from the ones that didn't have inc embedded in them  and a space add for the stamp on the club declaration page. That's all. The constitution hasn't changed.
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Offline Vettech

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thanks guys.
🖕 Vettech.

Offline Camo

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Just in from the club president...

You will need to bring the following paperwork with you to register your vehicle on club rego.
1. Pink Slip and copy (blue slip if first club rego)
2. 2 x .N.S.W. Corvettes Declaration(filled out) Click Me For A Copy
3. Historic Vehicle declaration (supplied by R.M.S.)and copy .

Please ring club registrar to arrange time at next meeting or at his convenience to stamp and collect paperwork.
Click Me For Committee Contact Page On The Clubs Website For All Contact Details


(A) Original Pink slip and copy.
(C) Historic vehicle Declaration & copy
(D) Yellow run book( to prove club attendance)


Please comply and make it easy for all concerned.
All complaints to be emailed to

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Hello Como can you Email me a copy of the above historic plate constitution-- regards Jorge 🍻

You can down load it from the website Jorge by clicking the following link and then just save it to your computer
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All official club documents are now here:

Here is a direct link to the Constitution in pdf

All our documents are in pdf format and can be saved to your computer.

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