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71 rebuild

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--- Quote from: craigh on December 05, 2012, 07:07:17 PM ---They look great Brad, nice and level and the shields look great.

Can't really tell where the change from ceramic happens.

How hot do they get ?


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Thanks Craig,

I haven't tried it with the shields fitted yet. I have only temporary fitted the right side shield as I will be removing the side tubes soon to replace the inserts.
With no shields the side tubes get very hot, I reckon enough to leave skin :bbq:
It doesn't help with the spiral inserts directing hot exhaust gases around the outer diameter of the pipe.

Even with different inserts they would get very hot.

I have fitted new inserts from Classic Chambered Exhaust. Its not much quiter but has a deeper tone.

Also I am not too impressed with the original M-20 wide ratio muncie box. I have got Keisler/Legend 5 speed close ratio box and hydraulic clutch conversion on order.

Its not due to be shipped until at least April so will make a good winter project.


--- Quote from: wabco40 on November 16, 2012, 06:30:26 AM ---Thanks Craig.

I am going to still use the stainless Hooker side tubes. Not sure how the stainless and ceramic will look together, I may have to order Dougs ceramic tubes later.

I can't believe the crap Hooker are producing. There a $1000 set of headers that don't even come close to fitting.
I've had them too long for any sort of warranty plus returning them would cost too much. Turned out to be a very expensive exercise.

Looking on the US forums the Chinese made OBX headers ain't much better.

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More info Wabbco on Doug's side headers. ? and if ya did it again would you have orered the lot off him? i.e. side pipes as well?


--- Quote from: Jethro on December 24, 2012, 07:15:38 PM ---
More info Wabbco on Doug's side headers. ? and if ya did it again would you have orered the lot off him? i.e. side pipes as well?

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the only issue I had with fitting the Doug's headers was clearancing for the R&P shaft but this was expected. Everything else clears well.
The rocker mouldings need trimming as they sit high and close in this area, however I would rather have this then sitting low under the moulding. The rear primary tubes clear the underside of the chassis by about 3/8" using the standard engine mounts. I also removed the exhaust mounting bracket from between the gearbox extension housing and mount, this gives slightly more clearance between the primary tube and the chassis underside.

I asked questions about fitment on US forums and only got one reply saying he had no fitment issue with a big block. A search found a few other posts saying the same thing.

I purchased them through Summit for $674 (for the ceramic headers only) but had them air freigthed which was expensive. If I was not in too much of a hurry I would have sent them to Long Beach to be put in a container.

The Doug's do not come in stainless steel, only black, chrome and ceramic. I would have preferred SS but had the decide between chrome and ceramic. I went with the ceramic because all the hype about the benefits of ceramic and I also had to weld an O2 bung on the inside of the collector.
The pipes are a copy of Hookers so my SS side tubes and mounting hardware fitted with no problems. If I didn't have the side tubes then I would have ordered the Doug's tubes with the headers.
I only issue I had was the look of ceramic collectors onto SS tubes, but I am starting to get used to it now (see picture).

The first inserts I used where STS, these are quite loud so changed them out for a resonator insert from Classic Chambered Exhaust. There still loud but have a deeper tone then the STS, which makes them a bit more bearable (sitting 2 feet from the exhaust exit dosn't help). I will try get better pictures and sound clip in the next few days.

In all I am happy with the quality and fitment of the Doug's headers.
I noticed on the box these are also made in Mexico as with the Hookers but I guess with a more accurate jig and better quality control.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas  :santa:

I took some pictures of the car parked next to an old Haulpak I used to drive many years ago.

Being overcast makes the blue look quite dark.

I still need to do a few things to it.

The rear number plate needs to be mounted slightly lower in the frame. A new 5 speed box and hydraulic clutch conversion and a few other smaller jobs.


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