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71 rebuild

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--- Quote from: Jethro on November 18, 2012, 08:51:33 PM ---Waiting on heads to have triple seats machined in em ....... on a waiting cue at machine shop.....

--- End quote ---

The machine shop must have a lot of work on. It's been a while now  :banghead:

I have fitted CobraStuff 4" heat shields to the side pipes.

I quite like the look of the cheese grater shields. They look heaps better in real life then what the pictures make out.

I've also got some resonator inserts coming from Classic Chambered Exhaust. I am not sure if it will quieten it down but hoping it will give it a deeper tone and still maintain flow.

Looks smick & sitting tight to sil rail :thumb: Got Ta B Happy with that


--- Quote from: Jethro on December 05, 2012, 08:19:43 AM ---Looks smick & sitting tight to sil rail :thumb: Got Ta B Happy with that

--- End quote ---

Thanks Jethro,

Yeah I am happy with the fit of the headers/pipes and starting to get used to the ceramic/stainless look.

I have been looking at other posts of side pipe installations and some are all over the place. The OBX seem to be hit or miss and as for Hooker :grr:

They look great Brad, nice and level and the shields look great.

Can't really tell where the change from ceramic happens.

How hot do they get ?



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