Restoration & Modification Projects > Restoration Projects

71 rebuild

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Looks  great as normal Brad.

After 8 1/2 years I've finally got my car licenced.  :pepper:

I may have to recess the front number plate though. Seems to stick out to far for my liking.

First job on the list. Remove under car exhaust.

Fantastic Brad.

Did you drive it back or trailer it.



--- Quote from: craigh on October 11, 2012, 08:49:20 PM ---Fantastic Brad.

Did you drive it back or trailer it.


--- End quote ---

I put it back in a closed in trailer Craig.

Probably just as well, the Great Northern Hwy is only dual lane with gravel shoulders. Six times I had police escorts take me completely off the road to give way to 7m+ wide loads.
Also with the amount of triple roadtrains travelling along that road you can always bet on more stone damage to your car.
Unfortunately the Government likes to pull a lot of money out of this region but puts very little back in maintaining the roads and infrastructure. I better not start on this subject. :grr:


--- Quote from: wabco40 on October 11, 2012, 08:39:58 PM ---After 8 1/2 years I've finally got my car licenced.

--- End quote ---

CONGRATES hope now you really get to appreciate all the gerat work you've done on your vette by driving it    :thumb:


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