Restoration & Modification Projects > Restoration Projects

71 rebuild

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Hey Wabby got to be happy with the finished look hey? P.s. necxt time use some flash on interior shots so we see will ya


--- Quote from: Jethro on October 09, 2012, 07:43:32 PM ---Hey Wabby got to be happy with the finished look hey? P.s. necxt time use some flash on interior shots so we see will ya

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There you go Jethro, out in the sunlight.

I am about to load it up in the trailer to take over to Tom Price for licence inspection. The AIS here in Newman are too busy working on BHP vehicles and they told me they don't make enough money doing private cars. It means a 550 km round trip to Tom Price for the inspection.
I figured with an attitude like that I wouldn't want them to touch the car anyway.




Funny bugger Jethro :kickass: (private joke)

Car looks smick. :drool:


--- Quote from: Camo on October 10, 2012, 06:10:29 PM ---Funny bugger Jethro :kickass: (private joke)

Car looks smick. :drool:

--- End quote ---




p#issed me self


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