Restoration & Modification Projects > Restoration Projects

71 rebuild

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Looks amazing.

Will have to look at the chrome on my bumperettes at some stage as they are scraped a bit.

Lucky they are low down and not that visible :-)


--- Quote from: craigh link=topic=7864.msg1045942012#msg1045942012 ---Looks amazing.

Will have to look at the chrome on my bumperettes at some stage as they are scraped a bit.

Lucky they are low down and not that visible :-)
--- End quote ---

Thanks Craig,

I was going to fill the gap between the bumperettes and bumper prior to getting them chromed but figured there was a gap between the grills and bumper so decided to leave them (the truth being, I couldn't be bothered).

However I did etch prime and paint the side of the bumperette that faces the grill.

I have fitted most of the dash. The lack of stitching on the re-skinned dash pads is not correct, however as the car is far from original I'am not concerned about it.
The two plugs hanging down from the right lower dash are for calibration and ECU diagnostic and flash functions. They will sit up under the dash when not used.

Come up smick:drunk::drunk:


--- Quote from: Jethro link=topic=7864.msg1045942168#msg1045942168 ---Come up smick:drunk::drunk:
--- End quote ---

Thanks Jethro,
I was hoping to have it finished by now, however work keeps getting in the way:grr:
I have fitted new foam and leather covers to the seats and fitted the left rear quarter trim panel and halo trim. The right quarter trim panel dosn't fit as well as I would like it to so need to do a bit of work here.
I'am out of the country at the moment so nothings going to happen for the rest of this month.


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