Restoration & Modification Projects > Restoration Projects

71 rebuild

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I have finished fitting the carpets. Its possibly one of the worst jobs to do!!!
I did one section at a time. The carpet set came from ACC in the states. It was moulded with an under lay bonded to the back. Each piece requires trimming to fit. The end result came out good.
I have also fitted a new compartment frame and doors.

What a g8 job you are doing  with your vette
If only we all had that enthusiasm
not to mention the time  etc etc

Niiiice :thumb:

The beasty has got to be getting close to finish, you must be getting itchy to drive it.


--- Quote from: Bfit link=topic=7864.msg1045941259#msg1045941259 ---What a g8 job you are doing  with your vette
If only we all had that enthusiasm
not to mention the time  etc etc
--- End quote ---

Thanks Bfit,
Its the time I don't have!!!


--- Quote from: Admin link=topic=7864.msg1045941266#msg1045941266 ---Niiiice :thumb:

The beasty has got to be getting close to finish, you must be getting itchy to drive it.
--- End quote ---

Thanks, its getting closer for rego.

I still need to fit the dash and I have changed to power windows. The new regulars, motors etc still need to go in and be adjusted.
I have new seat foam and leather covers coming over at the moment and I also need to fit all the glass. Plus a lot of other small jobs to finish off.
Yeah, I am hangin out to drive alright.
I have to go up to Asia for a month soon so nothing will happen until I return. Looks like another year gone by:grr:


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