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Engine pic.

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--- Quote ---Originally posted by david_moore
My favourite industry, buying, selling and trading in bordellos;27
--- End quote ---

I'll take the service managers job then.;27:22;27

wonder if i should detail my car engine

i think i might just get a newer air filter cover/sticker to make it more immaculate.

see the dirty black parts, what would I use to clean them up? I've heard of using petrol, but I don't want to melt anything.


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Nik

see the dirty black parts, what would I use to clean them up? I've heard of using petrol, but I don't want to melt anything.
--- End quote ---

Nik...Simple Green is just as good as anything for cleaning up engines. Just be careful that you cover up the alternator first.

Lookin' good Brutus.

Try cleaning up a C4 engine bay! :b2  Way too many wires.

Nik - Prepsol, thinners or even oven cleaner will get serious gunk off, although the last 2 will dull any paint.

going to go over it with the best quality engine degreaser i can find first.

got some tips at work just before from a guy I was relieving... turns out he was a car detailer at one stage


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