Technical Tips > Pre 84
Engine pic.
Nik...It always pays to listen to the professionals.
Chris...I know now what you mean about those C4 engine bays. I lost count of how many I judged yesterday.
MAybe I should be the last person who should be giving advice about engine bay detailing. But B4 my prang I started to tidy up simple things.
Those hoses that run up on top of the brake booster can just as easily run underneith it. Another thing I noticed in my vette was all those damn wires that run up and behind the wiper motor- they tend to clutter up even the most imaculate of engine bays. One possibility is to have them run along the top of the transmission, another fairly easy job and your wont have to rewire.
Adam...Relocating those vacuum hoses you mentioned from on top of the booster to underneath it was one of the first tings I did to tidy up the engine bay. I've since gone crazy and remade them out of stainless steel tubing and routed them along the chassis rails along with the wiring from that side. I cut all those wires where they ran past the radiator and lengthened them so I had more to play with when relocating them to their new position.
Good idea that...
Anyone got any suggestions for the wires coming out of the alternator?
Adam...I'll try and get a pic for you of the way I've done mine. All the wires come together into a piece of convoluted tubing which tidies the wires up nicely. Almost looks like one wire coming out the back of the alternator.
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