Author Topic: Difference between door glass  (Read 9950 times)

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Offline ypyiyo

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Difference between door glass
« on: April 29, 2009, 06:14:52 PM »
Hi All,
Been looking for door glass for my 68 convertible and now i am confused   ;58
Looked at several photos of 68 and 69 in some photos they look different and others they look the same.
Some one please help me as im going nuts with the minimal info that i can find.

Offline MADLT1

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Difference between door glass
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 06:22:37 PM »
convertible glass is different than the t top

Offline Chromie

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Difference between door glass
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 06:30:03 PM »
;51Madlt1 is correct;35
Coupe glass is different to convertable
Coupe the back edge of the glass is straight up on a convertable it is angled forward
Also on a 1968 the early glass is clear not tinted:x

Offline ypyiyo

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Difference between door glass
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 06:38:03 PM »
I now the Coupe and Convertible are different, the reason i ask is there is door glass on ebay for sale and the guy said they were supplied to him incorrectly.
He said they will fit a 69 convertable and i have been told that 68 and 69 convertables are different.
I dont want to buy these and find out that they are wrong as they are in WA and Im NSW so postage will also be a pain.

Offline MADLT1

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Difference between door glass
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 06:42:32 PM »
i am pretty sure they are the same,the difference is the 68 have a door button on the outer skin,this was only present on the 68s,i cant see that makeing a difference to the glass,chromie would know;45

Offline ypyiyo

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Difference between door glass
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2009, 07:04:33 PM »
Oh well,:b2    hope they are rite as i just hit the buy it now for $500
The guy on ebay wanted 69 coupe and he said Eklers sent 69 convertable.
I hope they are correct as i have saved plenty as they are new.

Offline Reklaw

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Difference between door glass
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2009, 08:42:28 PM »
Hi ypyo (did I get that right?)
Ecklers web page shows different glass for '68's compared to '69 to 73. Can't tell what the difference is from the photos. Also, the GM parts listing shows '69 to '74 as a different part # to earlier. It doesn't actually list '68, maybe they didn't put glass in '68's??. Please see below.[IMG=800x209][/IMG]

Bob Walker
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Difference between door glass
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2009, 09:04:29 PM »
Forgot to say, in the parts book extract in the last post, Y37 refers to Coupes and Y67 refers to Verts.
Bob Walker
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Difference between door glass
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2009, 10:03:23 PM »

Hello Ypyiyo,

Let me expalin the difference between 68 and 69 glass.... Nos stuff, and not reproduction.

This is somewhat a shorthand version from the 1969 Stingray Guidebook by Rick Bizzoco.

The 1969 Corvette used glass from the Libbey Owens -Ford company.  Libbey Owens started manufacturing class in 1926, and a few years later, GM sold their glass factories to them and had arranged to buy from them...

The 1969 Corvette used a LOF Safety Plate windshield and had an emblem on the glass which was regulated by the fedral law and set by the American Standards Association.

The glass also had a standard AS1 also placed on the glass which represented laminated safety glass 1/4'' thick.

The 1969 side and back Flo light windows have an AS2 glass (Amercian Standard 2) emblem on them which represents solid tempered glass.  It is a single piece of float glass , approximately 5 times as strong as annealed glass.

This glass was also used on the 1968 Corvette but was labled 1st design, and was also usedon the early 1969 corvettes.  There was also a 2nd desing which was used on later vehicles.

The 1st design side windows were present on 1969 Corvettes to at least S/N 705418 and have a wide base mount and 5 mounting holes.

Second Design windows were used with a narrow mount and 8 mounting holes: these were used through 1982.  Both 1st and 2nd design glass were introduced in two versions - one for coupes and one for convertibles, and they are not interchangeable.

The 1st design glass is held in place by a channel at the bottom of the window and has a metal backing about 2'' high on the outside of the glass that supports the bolts which link up the glass and the channel.  By rolling down the window and looking into te window area, this 2'' backing plate can be seen along with the 5 attaching bolts with large plastic washers.

The 2nd design window also have the LOF insignia and Astrovent markings, but the lower metal backing is much narrower than the first design.

It only mentions that the coupe and convertible is different and not interchangeable, and i think this has alot to do with the shape and configuration at the door and body connection.

I hope this has shed some interesting light on your dilema...

Live life to the a Corvette

Offline MADLT1

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Difference between door glass
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2009, 05:39:33 PM »
very informative 69:ado

Offline ypyiyo

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Difference between door glass
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2009, 08:21:54 PM »
Thanks to every one for your help.
Looks like i might be onto the right glass.:)