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It\'d be nice but...
The drive through one is easy, just mention that you're taking the vette for a run down through drive thru and you'll have a sea of volunteers who will want to come with you.
69DR i think we need to find the person(s) who was responsible for implementing these rules in the first place. Go visit them at their house and have a little 'chat' about it.**
I thought one of the reasons RAWS was brought in , is because of all the imports that were flooding the car market and affecting new car sales, I didn't know they were still allowing jap imports in still, with nothing to slow them up. Your right 69 Dirty Rat that is discrimination! ;30
Thunder Kiss:
--- Quote ---Originally posted by nifty
final do you order KFC from the lh side in a drive through?
--- End quote ---
With a claw ;laugh, Bunnings have them for under $10
--- Quote ---Originally posted by nifty
final do you order KFC from the lh side in a drive through?
--- End quote ---
Easy... if you can't afford a bunnings claw.... else just don't eat alone.
Alternately, why stop at reversing the Big M drive thru? Many countries have gone from driving on the left to driving on the right over the years. Take Sweden for instance....
"In 1955, the Swedish government held a referendum on the introduction of right-hand driving. Although no less than 82.9% voted “no” to the plebiscite, the Swedish parliament passed a law on the conversion to right-hand driving in 1963. Finally, the change took place on Sunday, the 3rd of September 1967, at 5 o’clock in the morning."
By the sounds of it, it isnt all that hard, just switch all the signs and traffic lights around and hey presto. The freeway on/off ramps work just as good when they are used for driving on the right. Further, it would generate jobs and be good for the economic growth of the country.
Of course, all those who have a RHD car built after 1989 would have to get them RAW'ed to LHD.... but hey, 'sh*t happens'.
Waz In Oz:
Investigations into all the stories of right hand drive C5's proved them to be just that - just stories. I spoke personally to Dave Hill, John Cafarro and Dave McLellan in 2002 about RHD Corvettes and while they admitted the C5 should allow a better conversion, that was a coincidence and a RHD C5 was never planned. The sheer numbers required, they claimed, made it not worthwhile to build. Unless GM could be assured of substantially increased sales by supplying a RHD model I doubt it will happen. Just because GM build a couple of experimental RHD models for each generation it doesn't result in production of them unfortunately. I reckon if a RHD Corvette does happen it will probably be via HSV who would take a complete or mostly complete vehicle and essentially convert it. (They'd probably be pretty pricey too.) A certain Queensland company probably wouldn't like the competition but then, if it happened, it might result in cheaper C6's, maybe, perhaps...
It would help if the UK insisted on new cars being RHD for their roads, as this would offer another market, but as a member of the EEC I doubt that would happen.
By the way in NSW, to get US style (shape) number plates made, according to the RTA, requires orders of about 10,000 a year to be economically viable.
The only other 'legal' way to obtain a plate that fits a US number plate mount is to find a car with NSW 1988 Bicentiennial plates that is still registered, buy it and tranfer the plates - or marry the owner or prove a defacto relationship or get them to adopt you or you them. Sort of complicates things unecessarily doesn't it?
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