Author Topic: Temp problems solved  (Read 8617 times)

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Offline demonx

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Temp problems solved
« on: February 13, 2007, 09:54:47 PM »
I've been having temp problems and was considering thermo fans (as per ancient threads) and all sorts of other options.

I thought I'd post how I've rectified the problem.

First of all, a radiator and block flush at the radiator specialists was a great help, however when it was out they also changed the thermostat to a 160 Hi flow, instead of a regular 160. Its about 9 or 10 dollars dearer, but it has made a huge difference.

Before all of this, if I gave my car a thrashing and then stayed at high speed (180km give or take) for approx 10 minutes or so, the temp would rise up to 210 - 220 and then I'd have to slow the car down to 100km before the temp would drop back to a temperature about 180 .

With the new thermostat and the flush etc, I cannot get my car over 180 temp and thats really giving it to it hard on the highway for over an hour drive at fast speeds.

So from my experiance, spend a little extra cash and get a 160 Hi flow. From what I was told, the high flow just means its designed for more "performance" engines.

I hope this helps at least one person.