Author Topic: Immobiliser / alarm / remote etc  (Read 13034 times)

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Offline Mattrix

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Immobiliser / alarm / remote etc
« on: December 05, 2006, 03:30:56 PM »
Hi all,

Well after losing my keys and having to get a locksmith out to make me new ones (actually only cost me $150 for new door key and new ignition key, which i was totally surprised about), I'm back in the game and am looking at what I can do to secure my car. I've heard of many hair brained schemes, I just need something that's going to create so much of a pain in the A for someone that wants to steal it that they will just give up.

So, what do people recommend? I've heard about the powerlock, that looks unreal but is out of my price range at this early point in time. I will probably go down that route later on in the game, but for now I just need a little bit more peace of mind than I have at the moment :)

Would love to hear your suggestions.

Am also wondering if there's anything I need to know before I go tearing up the wiring in the car, in terms of whether there's certain things i can do and certain things i can't. Would also help me before I go making a decision as to what system to install.



Offline Shane Finn

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« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 04:37:21 PM »
An insurer I was with at one stage demanded a Brant multi-point immobiliser be fitted. I looked into it and found it was probably what I would have chosen if I was looking anyway.

They seem to have plenty of experience dealing with Vettes so maybe you might want to think about giving them a go.
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Offline smokem

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« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2006, 09:59:07 AM »
What about a Rottweiler .


Offline Mattrix

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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 02:59:05 PM »
haha. nah, too much maintanence. i think i'll just try a combination of a few different things all at the same time, it's bound to slow them down in stupid amounts if they try and break in and steal it.

any other ideas people? thought there would've been a few more responses...

Offline Vette Obsessed

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« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 03:10:25 PM »
Nothing to offer but I'll give this a bump as I'm interested in seeing what people have to suggest on this topic also.

While I'm at it here is a link to the alarm company ZEDohSIX referred to in his earlier post:
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Offline jolinari

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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2006, 03:38:26 PM »
I have a GPS system on board supplied by Black widow...I have to admit that it is the safest way, the car can be tracked anywherer in Australai  and EVEN UNDERGROUND!!!

cost is about $1700.00 (one off ) and subscription for the service is $365/year (monitoring)

if you are intrested you could purchase the system of me, I do not need it anymore as the car is garaged at my place and it is a safe place!

Offline Mattrix

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« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2006, 03:50:52 PM »
Knowing how much it costed you, i can guarantee you I won't be able to give you what you are after for it! :) as well as all the ongoing costs with the back to base monitoring etc. but thanks anyway. looks like an unreal system. Though i have to ask, what if the thief is able to uninstall it somehow...? I'm tempted to spend my money on a FECKIN BIG CHAIN and just chain the wheels so it can't even be rolled. but then that's a bit full on.

Offline Vette Obsessed

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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2006, 04:10:08 PM »
I've always liked the idea of leaving a S&W .45 semiauto on the passenger seat in a holster (unloaded of course).

Food for thought for potential thieves. :20

(although I realise in reality your car is likely to get a brick thrown through the window or you'll come back to your car to find the TRG waiting for you if you tried such a thing)
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Offline Mattrix

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« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2006, 04:24:43 PM »
i've always liked the idea of hooking up a charge to the seat (or steering wheel) with little probes, when they sit down it zaps them so badly that they are knocked unconcious :D

Offline nifty

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« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2006, 12:09:06 AM »
picture this.....its midnight and an alarm goes off....its reset and goes off half hr later.....reset again....then it goes off half hr later...this time its turned off..wake up in the morning and car is gone....happened to a dude i know.and it was only a commodore..
when i had my hq it had the siren INSIDE the car....120db or also had an alarm sticker from autopro store, and the alarm was a one off made by a mate.
dont advertise what brand alarm you fitting,because is the scumbags of this earth know the alarm they will know how to kill it.why advertise?

Offline demonx

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« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2006, 06:23:49 AM »
Originally posted by nifty
dont advertise what brand alarm you fitting,because is the scumbags of this earth know the alarm they will know how to kill it.why advertise?

Thats good advice.

I run a gym as a business and when I installed the security system I threw out all the window stickers that came with it and bought a heap from ebay that were unbranded etc.

Much more safe that way

Offline Mattrix

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« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2006, 10:00:19 AM »
Yeah, I agree with that totally. I would never have advertised it anyway. The 120db alarm inside the car is a nice touch. Something that completely shatters their eardrums while they try to figure out how to shut it all off ;27 I'll have to look into that. as a general, alarms are just a noisy pain in the arse for everybody around, but if done right i think they can have the right effect.

Offline nifty

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« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2006, 10:19:48 PM » it a fitness gym or full on bodybuilder type of gym...asking cause my ex leading hand at work just won mr olympia over50 in perth last weekend.

Offline Cameron 77C3

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« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2006, 10:56:43 PM »
What ever ya go for make sure it shuts down the ignition system.  I prefer units without fobs as the crims have scanners that can read the signals if they are close enough.
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Offline Mattrix

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« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2006, 09:14:45 AM »
fobs? sorry, not familiar with terminology

I also just realised that I'm going to have to fix the electricals before i go putting in a system. If i leave the battery hooked up, it drains for some reason. The interior light was staying on, so I pulled the globe out, but it's obviously a symptom of something else, because the battery is still being drained even if i pull the light out. and yes, i found out the hard way, and there went $130 worth of battery down the toilet, completely un-rechargable.

Offline daniel42au

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« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2006, 10:01:54 PM »
Re car alarms, Nifty makes a good point.... having a car alarm is not worth a Tinker's Cuss if no one is going to respond to it if it goes off (for whatever the reason).

For my self,  I dont know if any of the following is effective against a determined thief but at least it gives me peace of mind.

Basically to deter theft, I think "the more ya do the better the outcome" ...  so i think using an holistic approach which relies on more than a single device is the way to go.

I am not paranoid about car theft but I try and use common sense with the following:

a)  a good quality steering lock($50)... installed with the lock facing towards the floor,

b) an auto transmission gear shift lock (from MID America $US 40),

c) rely on the C4 VATS...  Cost is FREE but relies on the battery alone)... however, the incidence of late model Corvette theft dropped after it's introduction,

d) a flashing LED on the dash $8 ...  ie to simulate a car alarm   :-),

e) in public, I always park in open places with lots of people around and at the least someone may be able to give a good ID of the thief who took your car PLUS thieves usually try to avoid working in well light areas with audiences,

f) at home, I use a lock up garage,

g) use a motion-detection patio lights on access ways from the street ($80 from Bunnnings), and

h) for when a thief eventually takes my car, a good paid-up agreed value Insurance Policy... ensuring that I have adhered to all the fine-print conditions.

In summary, I use a combination of devices to deter theft.

OH, and also, I have a couple of Rottweillers....   :-)

Offline TPI-383

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« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2006, 11:08:09 PM »
Acouple of ideas for thought. There was a handbrake lock on the market I think it was called Cop Lock I had one fitted to my Commodore years ago that stopped you releasing the hanbrake once on. The other that I like is a fuel cut out,If the car is carby it works great as the thief will get down the road a the car will cut out and not restart.Not many thieves will hang around trying to get it going while in the middle of traffic with people watching,they tend to leave it where it stops.If you have electric fuel pump you can have a hidden switch somewhere to cut power to the pump,mechanical pump needs a cut out valve between tank and pump, you can use an inline tap or an electrical soliniod valve like the ones fitted to LPG cars.Injected cars are same deal disable the fuel pump and car doesnt start.If they are serious thieves not a lot you can do,they will usually still get it.Years ago a mate of mine had a Phase 2 HO stolen from his garage and it was chained to the floor,they pushed a F-100 and another car uphill out of his driveway to get it out while he slept in the room above the garage.You can only do your best to make it hard for them.

Offline Cameron 77C3

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« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2006, 12:09:58 AM »
All good ideas.

Oh, a fob is the little remote control unit that some alarms have for turning the alarm on and off.
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Offline Mattrix

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« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2006, 07:04:28 PM »
Well, as for the "units without fobs" thing, I've just bought a security system off ebay (for starters) with 2 way pager, so if the alarm goes off i get it on the fob. I won't hook it up to the locks, so even if they scan it and turn the alarm off, they still have to get through the locks. Then I'm thinking a fuel kill switch, like TPI383 mentioned. (will have to suss out how to do that for mine). Then a pro-lock. A handbrake lock wouldn't work with mine, coz my hand brake doesn't hold very well :)
The auto shift lock looks good as well, will have to try and get hold of one of those. No aussie distributors for it? Maybe we can do a group buy if others are interested...?

Offline nifty

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« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2006, 08:39:08 PM »
Originally posted by Mattrix
Well, as for the "units without fobs" thing, I've just bought a security system off ebay (for starters) with 2 way pager, so if the alarm goes off i get it on the fob.

hmmm so what would happen if your fob went off..,, you fly out of bed,shops etc,and find thief (s).....they bash you and still steal car with your help in disabling alarm???
fobs are a great idea....but......