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Bad earth

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--- Quote ---Originally posted by The White Knight
I just had the same thing happening to me. I got my mechanic to pull the starter out & he cleaned it all up & straightened the brushes have not had a problem since.  
--- End quote ---

Generally in days gone by I would have just pulled the offending starter and replaced the brushes or whatever may have needed attention, but with passing years I would probably get someone to pull it for me (STEADY NOW!).  ;ay
I know I'm getting away from the original theme, but I recently had cause to repair my alternator which as it turned out had blown every diode. All it cost was 15 minutes of my time and $40.00US for an 80 amp upgrade kit I bought from the States. Admittedly I wasn't about to discard the casing as I'd already spent hours hand polishing it. Here I go being anal retentive again...Oh well.:mmm

Got a brand new starter and solenoid from rare spares for $200 and guess what... it still didn't start.

I connected it direct and it started to crank, so it's dodgy wireing somwhere...
So I started to look under the dash, looked at the immobiliser somone had put a few years ago.

There is a wire that you unplug to activate the immobiliser which I KNOW used to work coz I used it. Anyway, I was still at a loss so I unplugged it and tried to start the car, it started! So then I plugged the wire- it started again! So I thought, ok whatever, now for some reason the immobiliser doesnt work.

Went for a drive (of course) and I noticed the needle of my aftermarket tacho, that I installed was very straight whereas previously it had been VERY wobbly.

A few days of this, I noticed the tacho being wobbly again, and when I went to start it the next time, it again wouldnt start. But this time its not as tragic, a few turns of the key and it starts up.

And thats how it is now.

1) Imobiliser no long imobilises
2) tacho wobbles (its electronic)
3) cranks after a few turns of the key (very random)

So in my humble opinion, either the imobiliser is really playing up or I have a grounding problem.

What do yall think?



Ummmmm......I probably shoulda' mentioned it but always test a starter out of the car before buying another one!

A lot of troubles can be traced back to immobilisers (which we didn't know you had).  Usually a grounding problem, which I had in my Patrol.

Anything electrical is a nightmare.

U see, thats why I'm an idiot...
I did "test" it outa the car but... I obviously connected the wrong terminals etc etc.
hmm, well the new one sounds and goes better tho.


One of the easiest kill switches to make is to wire one of the tacho leads to earth through a switch.... I'm just wondering if you have a bad earth in there somewhere.


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