Technical Tips > Pre 84

Bad earth

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99% of the time my vette starts perfectly.
But there are times it just wont. It wont crank, and it wont click. Its NOT the battery. Im pretty sure its not the ignition switch itself because I can see a slight dip in my voltmeter when i turn the key. I used to think it was a stuck starter motor.

Last time i just moved the car a bit (its an auto..) and it started, but this time moving the engine manually wont help. Which is why I think it somthing to do with the thing that doesnt alow the car to be started in gear. The voltmeter dips just the same on gear or in park.

Thats what I'll cheak out tomorro... although I wouldn't mind any other ideas...



Adam...One of the first things to check when this happens is the battery terminals and leads for a good connection. Even tho everything may appear in good order, a simple clean of all the connections can sometimes cure a miltitude of woes.

Good advice above.

Also check the reverse/neutral pick up swith/block has not moved.  This is attached to your shifter.  Your starter motor could also be on its way out.  Sometimes a technical tap with a hammer can rectify this problem.  ;)

The fact that you rocked it indicates to me that it's the starter motor or at worst your ring gear.


If it's not even cranking I'd suggest that the ring gear can probably be removed from the equation. You'd surely hear something if that was the problem. Just a thought.
Solonoid could be a thought too like Chris suggested.

Good point.

Smack it with a hammer!  Hey, if it breaks you need a new one anyway.  :D


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