Thank you for those words Ray.
Today I recieved some of my S.A Nationals money via cheque in the post.
I took the time to call S.A Pres Rob McConnel, mainly to discuss the return address for items already purchased, effectively by participants, these would be returned bulk to our Club P.O box - this will now come bulk direct to my private address, thence I will organise re-distribution.
But in talking with Rod, I could hear his pain in having to cancell the event, the S.A team put a lot of work into a non-event.Very disheartening.
They like others I know are now having issues getting Deposits refunded. I wish them well in the future.
This Corona19 business is effecting everyone with no favour given. But it does highlight the need for clubs to be financialy independent.
Some may know that each Nationals participating Corvette club makes a donation each year, well in advance to that years Nationals organizing club.
Those donations form a base, allowing clubs to secure better deals, via early upfront payments etc. In the past we have run levies and a swaff of special raffles etc etc to put us in the right position.
I can see some members are not interested in Nationals, I myself attended 2000 but none again till 2015 Canberra - a 14 year hiatus, for many reasons.
This is why I believe in user pay, and to keep that cost to our members to a minimun, having reserve operating funds gives clubs that flexability, and in the advent of another National pandemic etc we can survive and come out strong. Anyone in business would agree.