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Corona Viris

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Dam short notice , do we get a refund,

Shane Finn:
Well that was fun. I have just got home from Tasmania after being over there with friends on a holiday tour in our motorhomes.

When the virus escalated and the Tasmanian premier decided to become Hitler, 90% of the Tasmanian locals turned hostile to us the tourists they have been courting for years and the caravan parks were told to close and tell residents to F' off. As a result many have had to park in the streets for what may be weeks as the Ferry is fully booked until June, and scrounge for food and water from hostile locals.

What are they supposed to do, turn the caravans etc into rafts and float home? Luckily we had a return booking. Even so we had to fill out police forms to explain why we hadn't evacuated from the caravan park we were in and had a confirmed passage out in the next several days.

Never again will I set foot in Tasmania.

Hi Shane
Good to see you got home  safely,
Unfortunately  people have short memories, and the attitude towards your selfs is not australian.

 We Australians are in deep  faeces, I believe for a protracted time  frame.

Our federal government was to slow to act , and our state government?  Ruby princess debacle says it all.

 We are back in the 1918 time frame and protocols to deal with this virus.
  Then 1929 came along,
History does tend to repeat itself.

I think my house is shrinking .

It’s the rain and cold weather , makes EVERYTHING smaller.


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