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Corona Viris
Hi just a few words to my Corvette Friends. I really hope you are all well and in good spirits. Try and keep enjoying life as best we can.Hopefully we will all come out of this in won peace and enough $$$$ to fill our tanks. If we get to the stage of lock down at least we will all have VERY shiny Corvettes ( no excuse ). Jokes aside good luck to everybody and stay healthy. Ray n Joy
I hear the powers to be are going to clamp down on old peoples homes.
Seems they are a breeding ground, those Ole Peoples are prone to everything. (Thank god I'm only ........... sh#t I'm 70)
But on the good side it also appears that Alcohol kills the virus, thus some Ole People homes are now having a Happy Hour that runs all day.
I've personally found that Shiraz is very effective in virus controll, the fact that I've not been out for two weeks is neither here nor there.
So Corvetteteers - drink only good quality shiraz. (Now if I can only convince the Gov't to provide financial support)
Thanks Ray and Joy
Lynne and I are both working from home which is fine but cabin fever is a problem LOL
Lucky we live where we are and we will enjoy in 2’s
Look after yourselves.
Interesting thought
Those persons in a + 55 residence, are they a large family like group , do they have to gather in groups of two plus careers or are they ok to have mass meetings called happy hours.
How do the fines work , oldie is the employer and career is the employee
So oldie gets 11k fine and career get 1k fine what fine does oldies misses get and her career mmm ?
Oh confusion, I think I’ll plead the alzheimers defence.
What were we talking about.
Hey Happy Hour is canceled ( NOT FUNNY )
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