Adverse effect
I don't do FB either not interested. I do think it has had a adverse affect on our Forum content. I also think these other runs advertised on our FB and Forum are not the right thing for our club. Ray
Adverse Effect .
Is an understatement , try searching for the info for last weekends Xmas in July,
People have busy lives and don't seem to have the time to interact with others on the forum. they would rather have info feed to them on social media.
Now there is a contradiction in terms Social Media , really Social Media.
I see young people who can not carry a conversation face to face, but they can sit on opposite sides of a room and text either other.
WTF is going on in the world .
Its phone not a life still
I digress some what, however its all relevant. I know that this is an abhorrent idea to a lot of people, try leaving the phone off for just 4 hours a day and enjoy the world.