Technical Tips > Electrical-Electronics-Air-Lighting-Guages-Security-Vacuum
C4 1990 Alt/batt light.
Had the alt/bat light come on a couple of times.
Engine running, had a fish around, leads, belt etc. Things looked OK.
Then whilst pressing Alternator Conector, the belt and bearings started to sing, Houston we have connection.
Seemed to come OK. This has happened several times, but alas on Saturday, when washing ready for the Clubs Xmas Luncheon, it went crook and stayed crook.
My diagnoses is either a faulty socket or its internal pins/connections, OR more likely the sockets metal fittings that extend out of the socket and are soldered to the cct board located within the Alternators rear section. For my US readers soldered is your Soddered, not sure why you guys drop the "L".
Anyway I'll remove tomorrow, pull it down, I have some resin core Solder with 2% Cu (copper). Much stronger, tougher.
Well there you go, undid the plug, pulled out the rubber seal wad, wires look strange, "Z" kinked, straightened, pluged back into Alt, and its a goer.
However, it will need a little more scrutiny.
Time fly's. Wanted to run out to Sabre's place today - but the Alt had other ideas.
Batt light on, no amount of connector or wire wiggling will get it to go off.
Did you know that the Alt bottom bolt cant be removed unless you undo the Power Steer bottle. (C4-90)
Now Alt on my Coffee Table, main bearing, not noisy but has plenty of play, and the small bearing also moves around.
The search is on for the BIG iron or tinsey fine gas torch to remove the Stator so I can get to the back of the connector.
Maybe I should see if I can get the bearings replaced before expending my temper on the connector....
Should not have bothered to get out of bed this morning, but I needed to get some Baked Lemon Greek Potatoes and Cabbage rolls at Casula.
And after a brain wave last night, which said "Grasshopper use the 87 Alt on the 90" - asked Dr Google and an 87 equals a 90 Alt, exactly.
Beauty, I'll get up and throw it on - easy peasy - Ummmmmm not so easy, the belt must be new and or short, cant get enough tension off the belt to get on, then Number 1 son appeared, more muscle, got it on, but not all the bolts, and whilst trying to lever here and there, promptly broke the light weight diecast frame...
Went off in a huff. Grrrrrrrrrrr............
Saving grace I can use the one off the 87, which brings me to the question.
Any one have a C4 87 ~ 91 top frame for mounting Air and Alternator.
At the rate I'm going the 87 will become a parts car.......................
P.S What would also be good is a decent device to turn and detension the belt tensioner........!
A fine piece of machinery needs to be caressed, not badgered in to place.
A degree of finesse is required.
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