General Discussion Area > Corvette Related Chat
Of Captains & Kings and many Things.
Well after several months away, B and I are back in Oz.
And its great to be home.
It's even better now I have my Ipad back and can see all that is going on, esp in OUR Club.
I'm amazed to see a lot of interest from club members in the missuse of members private information.
And from others drumming up individuals to run in the forthcoming AGM Elections.
I hope you get more interest than we could get last year.
As a matter of fact we even had one of last years committe men quit. Hope it was not over something I said.
Were starting to sound like the Federal Liberal Party. Heaven forbid.
I hope that statements made in the Email are true, a few calls I've recieved from members seem to refute several of the facts......
Saturday night and time to dine out, no doubt this subject will generate much discussion, and believe it or not, that is a good thing.
Intill tomorrow!......
Oh! so who is playing Ned Stark ( aka Mal Come Turn Bull ) who gets axed.
I'm in the middle of doing some research, but I would like to make the following quiet clear to all members.
1. At the AGM each year ALL positions are declared vacant.
2. Fully paid members can run for each and every position.(but can hold only one*)
3. Members can nominate in advance by submitting duelly notarised nomination forms. (Best way, allowes members to know who is running.)
4. The "Returning Officer" takes over and runs the election, starting at Pres, VP, Sec, Tres, followed by remaining positions.
5. If no nominations are recieved, then people can nominate individuals from the meeting floor, these nominees are equal in status.
6. The Club is run by a full Committee.
7. The Committee should be equally balanced, but with a casting vote by the President.
8. The above ensures that collusion of the top four positions do not overide others on the Committee.
I would like to add here that Mr Jeff Wilson had made it clear quiet some time ago, that he would not recontest Pres in 2018.
Both myself and Belinda will be recontesting Sec and Tres.(p.s we will not be taking any more holidays.)
Others on our current Committee will I'm sure recontest, however, I have not spoken to them, but I know their passion for the club will ensure their continued support.
I would add here that without the hard working committee supporting the top four, this club will grind to a halt.
Well said
I Have my choice for Pres I hope he nominates for the position.
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