Author Topic: July 19 Codgers And Coffee  (Read 10396 times)

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July 19 Codgers And Coffee
« on: July 13, 2018, 10:58:53 AM »
Jean and Peter are back in Oz and ready to fire up the Vette so here is the plan for JULY 19th.

MEET  9-45 am for 10-00am Start  from the northern parking lot opposite Bateau Bay Square...turn in at the High School. We plan to circle Tuggerah Lake with views of the lake here and there along the way

COFFEE STOP. We are stopping for Coffee at the Kooindah Waters Estate Clubhouse for our morning break at about 10-20 am

CRUISING ON  We will continue on from here along the bank of Wyong River  back to follow  the lake through Tuggerawong  and Toukley before heading for The Entrance  for our lunch stop  at The Entrance Hotel at about 12 noon.

AS usual  after lunch its find your own way home.

Please let Pete know if you are joining us at the start or along the way so we don't move on without you  .         0438 323 744.

 This is a fairly short run and a warm up for the Christmas in July weekend on Saturday 21st July . There is probably a chance for a late booking.......all details are in the Magazine  and on the website so don't stay home!

 The next Codgers run will be on August 16th and this time we plan to circle Lake Macquarie.......all the details as soon as the route has been checked out

Hope to see lots of you  on the 19th and 21st for a chat and a catch -up

Cheers  Pete
Time, The Predator That Stalks Us All

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