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Membership Question

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C3Dude, make it a good one, as I'm unwell and need cheering up. Thanks.

Ok cut the bs and get on with, pay the fees as required. as I remember it the concessional fees needed to be paid with in the designated time frame to be applied.
I’m sure that time frame has expired.
There are many benefits of being a member forget the excuses IMO.

Geez Bob, have you had a bad hair day?,,......

Missed out on my meditation time today. All 60 of them


--- Quote from: Bfit on October 18, 2017, 07:37:59 PM ---as I remember it the concessional fees needed to be paid with in the designated time frame to be applied.
I’m sure that time frame has expired.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---"The closing date for the discounted offer is strictly 30th June."
--- End quote ---

... but I think the OP is referring to avoiding paying a new member fee, too.


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