General Discussion Area > General Chat
Membership Question
Sorry to post this hear, but there isn't a general contact us option on the site.
I stupidly let my membership lapse and was wondering if I still need to signup as a totally new member or can just continue on?
Obviously, I'd prefer to pay the $75 versus the $100.
Thanks for any help.
Ring Belinda ford (new club secretary on 0409419360 --👍
No doubt you can pay and continue as a member.
The special deal was of course a time limited one off deal for existing members.
The time and cost of reminders cuts into the voluntary office bearers workload.
You will need to Email the Secretary with you details.
However, if you have special circumstances (eg. On duty Afganistan or maybe working in Skylab) then consideration will be given.
We have had some excellent excuses which usually gives the team some light comic relief.
Ok. Thanks. Can you pls send me the email address for the club secretary.
In the meantime, I'll think of a worthy excuse.
All Committee contacts are here:
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