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Looking at the cost of HEI distributors with a tach drive which range from a cheap one at $90 to a MSD billet at $700.I would prefer to pay $200 to $300 for  a reasonable one, I have no idea about the quality and features of distributers, I am open to suggestions.
Looking at Ebay there is a model S392 at $195 and a model WWH6515 for $265.
Corvette Central have a model 272136 for US$300 which is a bit more than I would like to pay, but if it was a good one I would pay it.
Summit have a model SUM-850001-T for US$289  which is a bit more than I would like to pay, but if it was a good one I would pay it.
Currently I am running an MSD 6AL Ignition Control Unit with a standard early C3 distributer with a electronic module fitted. One or both of these units is causing problems, hence the change.


SB or BB

CDI ignition goes back to 1896 or 7, very unreliable, things developed and it was put on the 1906 FORD model K i think. Electronic forms -albeit valve types were developed by Robert Boscht for Fighters in WW2 germany, again unreliable. A group of White Sands missile scientist developed "Solid State" electronic type for rocket ignition, there was also a Canadian RCAF pilot who developed a cct. Later this was developed by a consortium of all these people which became "MSD". Their products have been developed since the 50's, quiet often specified for US racing. What I'm trying to say is they have years in it, they seem to be reliable and cover a multitude of engine configurations. Cheap knock offs are exactly that. But everthing can fail. At least with MSD you get a known product and you know where to find them. The others will be located in Zhexci province China or Botswanna or..............


--- Quote from: Vettech on July 19, 2017, 05:09:22 PM ---CDI ignition goes back to 1896 or 7, very unreliable, things developed and it was put on the 1906 FORD model K i think. Electronic forms -albeit valve types were developed by Robert Boscht for Fighters in WW2 germany, again unreliable. A group of White Sands missile scientist developed "Solid State" electronic type for rocket ignition, there was also a Canadian RCAF pilot who developed a cct. Later this was developed by a consortium of all these people which became "MSD". Their products have been developed since the 50's, quiet often specified for US racing. What I'm trying to say is they have years in it, they seem to be reliable and cover a multitude of engine configurations. Cheap knock offs are exactly that. But everthing can fail. At least with MSD you get a known product and you know where to find them. The others will be located in Zhexci province China or Botswanna or..............

--- End quote ---
And some ar based in Kickatinalong  NSW

Its a big block, but all of the distributors I have looked at state BB or SB. I am not worried about the MSD CDI as I will not be using it with the HEI distributor.


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