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74 Stingray lighting issue

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I've had the voltage regulator in the alternator play up once, it was overcharging the battery. Low beam was like aircraft landing lights at times.
Has there been a acid smell in the car other than the usual oil and exhaust fumes in a C3? :bolt:

Thanks for the info. The headlamp bulbs were replaced once it hit OZ shores, and I believe this is what caused the problem in the mustang too. So I am wondering if it is the issue mentioned before. It doesn't matter if the car is driving or stationary... So what is this magical part I need to replace called, and where do I find it? The bulbs are not super high voltage, just a direct replacement but I think the ones standard are not as high spec as today's technology.

They are all 12 volts, the wattage (power) may vary. The reason for the change is to comply, the RH beam cuts at the road centre, whilst the LH cuts at the centre of the car and then goes out over to the left side. In theory straight on coming traffic should never be blinded by the LH light. This is different in the US with LH Drive. Most lamps here are 55/65 watt, most people think thats not bright enough on high beam, but the filiment is placed at a different centre to the reflector and gives more light and is not shrouded like the low beam with a metal cover which controlls direction of light flow and the cut off zones. Todays brighter lamps appear brighter, but often it is because they operate at a different colour temperature. At 4200°K they are red to yellowish whilst at 6500°K they appear bluish ie they go from the red end to the blue end of the visible light spectrum. With that i now need to give the little grey cells a rest.

Here a question, I want to replace all the dash bulbs while I have the dash out for the sound system install. What are the little bulbs called, and can I get them in colours??? Would love to hear from someone ASAP please. Even a link to the product I need would help. Thank you all!

Yours is 74 & I assume 78 would be similar, you can get Led globes, in colours, in suitable fittings. Only trouble now is I'm having a mental block on the globe type. A Ha! T10 or wedge in many colours, or the long glass tube with the metal end caps are fetoon type (white). Jaycar's comes to mind or any good auto retailer like Auto one etc.


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