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74 Stingray lighting issue

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The globes are BA 9 type LEDS are available in colours blue look great they are available from ebay. I usually cut all the globe holders off the wiring loom & replace the small crimp on the end.I use a small pop rivet  & knock out the stud then crimp the rivet onto wire

Yes, Sirfixalot is correct! His reply prompted me go out and get past the killer guard chooks and mice, and yes they are ba9s's, "ba" stands for bayonet, 9 is the base dia 9mm, "s" is for single  centre contact. Jaycars has retrofit kits and good Auto Elec shops should have proper LED lamps. I replaced the two rear compartment lamps in the 87 with leds, far brighter, whiter, no heat, uses less current.

Up to 76 use BA 9 globes 77 uses BA9 in speedo/Tach T10 wedge in centre cluster 78-82 use T10 wedge 21 of them

The globe in the cigar lighter is a ba9s, the only bit i could get hold of to look at,  and the funny little light in cowling above the metres/guages which is a wedge  - T10.  This exercise has shown me i should not yet being trying to squeeze through windows etc and stretching tooooo much


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