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NSW Number Plates

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--- Quote from: gtc on November 10, 2015, 03:49:12 PM ---The annual fee was in place long before RTA outsourced the process to myPlates.
--- End quote ---

Yes for custom plates but not if you wanted to choose your own ABC-123 plates; it was a one off fee.

Previously when you got new plates, you could choose from the first three off the shelf; now it's the first plate they touch, no compromise unless you want to pay a yearly fee.

I was lucky to get my own ABC-123 combo before they took over and I don't have to pay every year, apparently if I have an accident and my plates get damaged, stolen, etc.; if I want my same combo in new plates I will have to pay the exorbitant replacement fee (previously around $20 for just the plate) plus a yearly fee to keep my combo.



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