General Discussion Area > Corvette Related Chat

NSW Number Plates

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Wasn't aware you could still get the old 5 didget black & white plates

Sure can. Bottom left of image.


--- Quote from: VetteMad on August 19, 2015, 04:17:08 AM ---Really don't understand why there need to be an annual fee??
--- End quote ---

... because Myplates are a private company and they are scabs. The money doesn't go back into our roads but into their pockets; someone has to pay for their TV commercials I suppose.


just government selling sh#t that belongs to the tax payer to cover up the Fn mismanagement.
you would notice they but crims  in gaol ( English Spelling ) where to they send politicians?
 overseas   well paid appointments.
I've have had the same  B/W plates for 46 years and have no desire to pay the AH`s for the privilege of selling a 5 dollar plate for  yearly fee plus .

  (I see the censorship is working well )

The annual fee was in place long before RTA outsourced the process to myPlates.

It's just another form of NSW government tax -- except in this case it's voluntary.


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