Getting back to selling your car.
have a look at a car just sold.
"corvettes for sale" 89 roadster on the 9th dec
in our forum is it in this quality? and note the selling price.
It takes a while to sell a corvette but new people
always enter the market to own their "first" corvette
and like you can only hope that all goes well both
ways buying and selling.A club member here would be
after a deal cause of his experience with owning one.
But nobody in NSW bought that exceptional 89 corvette
Yours is a 86 a pace car they are desirable but it would have
to be as good as the 89 in quality to get high dollars
Believe in the car your selling,, if it needs work, new paint,
rubber radiator high miles new interior and door rubbers required torn roof oil leaks
then prepare to come down
A conversion at that time could be as high as $15000 if mirror 8k if chain
so wait it will sell,,Can we quarantee LHD approval in the long term
With new Governments Not to sure about that. cheers and good luck