I jumped in my new vette last year, drove through Brisbane lunch hour traffic ( I'm a stranger to Bris) found the Main Roads depot and organised to register the car in Qld -
First problem - I had no idea how to raise the hood !!!!
2nd problem - couldn't find the two plates, for conversion and something else !!!
Big Panic.
Found everything eventually and drove away, noticing eveyone driving way too close behind.
I discovered it's an illusion, because we sit so far back in the car, it looks like cars behind are really close . OK, they are sometimes but usually it's the illusion.
Utes are the main cars that want to take me on. Most of the time I just let them go, I'm not sure I could hold them anyway, the new series V8's have a heap of power. Ugly looking buggers though ! he he he
(Actually not true, cos I've had a few utes and like the look of them - nothing like a Corvette thought , is there ?)