Now that my long term '75 project is driveable, the inevitable teething problems are starting to show. The latest is its habit of overheating, at low speed, doing 100 on the open road etc.
The usual things have been covered, seals around the radiator, spoiler underneath, 160 thermostat (must get a High Flow, thanks Demonx) etc. Running a standard fan with standard shroud. The pump impeller looks OK, so I'm discounting the pump so far. The radiator is a bodgie, requiring a made up lower hose, so I'm considering my options with a new radiator.
I've read a lot about aluminium radiators being more efficient that copper/brass, but those articles are usually written by people who make/sell aluminium radiators.
Does anyone have any advice to offer regarding their experiences with aluminium vs copper/brass radiators. And ........... No, I'm not about to reopen the great debate on thermo fans vs standard setups.