Over the past three years I've rebuilt & corrected the cooling layout.
This started after the heater matrix blew up, but strangely I managed to get from Brookes Rd to Cecil Hills, whilst I could smell the antifreeze, there was hardly any fluid on the pass floor, upon starting repair, it became obviouse why. All hoses, pumps, fittings, oil coolers were corroded chockabloc full of rust & corrosion, not to mention kinked hoses and dubious routing.
All the above along with a rebuilt power steering pump, now see's the car ready to go. Switch on, start up..... ummm a bit rough (have not fitted new leads yet), a couple of goes around the block (~less than 50kph), and the temp was getting up to 114 C° and on the way to boiling when the Aux Coolant fan came on - in fact I dont think i'd ever heard the Aux fan run. Umm get the books out and refresh my understanding of C4 cooling. The Cooling Fan (CF) comes on when car starts, runs contiuous up till the car reaches ~65kph at which time it switches off unless other extremes cause the engine temp to rise out of the ordinary, if the temp goes up further the Aux fan comes on.
The fault was either, the CF, it's relay, ECM control, general wiring or power supply. Found the relay and with the help of my trusty helper we asertained the relay was Ok, ECM control OK, once unplugged we slipped a 12v feed onto the CF run wire, and on she came, ergo the CF is OK. Now out came the metre's etc, sure enough no juice from Fusible Link "D" but it looked Ok, no burning, blackning or anything untill a close look, whilst the fusible link looked perfect untill you pulled on one end and the red/orange cover parted and wollah there is no longer a wire inside the sheath - magic.