This TB BYPASS has wanded right thru the car. So far we have done the following:
1. Replaced the water pump. (Leaky & noisy)
2. Replaced heater matrix. This included repairing fire wall holes and heater A/C housing, pulling LH dash out.
3. Modified the TB by removing the inlet/outlet tails ( no more water thru the TB). Fit new gaskets, screws etc
4. Replaced the front manifold water oulet with a 90* fitting with a smaller 8mm tail sweated in, to allow pickup of the steam vent.
5. Removed, cleaned & painted all the carriers/frames on front of engine.
6. New hose from manifold rear steam vent to front pickup.
7. Re-installed the metal "KC4" line from KC4 up to water pump.
8. Repaired KC4 water tails, re-installed along with new Oil Filter (also cleaned rust out of block at KC4 port)
9. Fit new hoses etc to KC4.
10. Remove A.I.R pump and modify accordingly.
11. Fit new "T" piece, hoses etc where KC4 meets water pump side return and heater return.
12. Obtain "02" V8 Comodore (heater to heater tap) hoses, allowes heater to connect down past frame, turn forward.........
Thats as far as I've gotten, I intend to use GOSS 16mm ID heater hose to connect from "T" piece thru heater then to 90* fitting, also I hope to bend up some 5/8 Annealed Cu pipe to connect the hoses, but at the moment I've not allowed for a heater water tap, but the 5/8 pipe should allow its retro fitting at a later date, but since my 90 has no tap on it, I may in the future depending on how well the 87's A/C works opt for no tap ..... we will see.
And for those who are asking "why is he using 5/8 Cu pipe", well the original "conversion" left a lot tobe desired, all hoses THEY ran had 90* kinks in them, thus blocking flow and promoting corrosion, also one ran right under the engine very close to manifolds, cooking very nicely. The Cu pipe once bent to shape is a smaller cross section than the hoses, can be bent to fit into the tight spaces past the LH manifold and up to and under the Alt and A.I.R pump to pick up the new brass 90* fitting, should look neat and tidy and out of sight.
Now waiting on a 5/8" pipe bender - and yes I know all about sand and springs and things, but I'm getting more decrepid by the week and my hands no longer have the strength of old and besides its another nice tool to hang on the wall, you can never have too many tools.