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1980 Corvette intermittent dry carb

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80 Vet:
Hiya all, on Sunday Sandy and I joined the club on the Geroa Fishermans run. The night before I filled up with fuel and the fuel gauge showed full. Left Shellharbour and drove to join the club at Picton road ramp onto freeway. Approx 30km later the car started to miss and stopped running. Managed to pull over safely. Fuel gauge showed 3/4.  Lifted off the air cleaner to check for fuel flow in carby and guess what, there was no flow. Gary c and I dipped the fuel tank and there was still fuel in there. Gary took me to a servo and returned with 9.17 litres of fresh fuel. We poured it into the tank. Cranked the engine over for a short time and she fired into life. Gary c and Jacki waited while I went and filled up the tank which took 26.2 litres. Fuel gauge shows full again. While I was there I topped up the jerry cans again as back up. The fuel tank holds 90 litres, 10 months ago I had the fuel tank out, cleaned and inspected the plastic lining in the tank, all was very new inside. Still the original tank, showed 1/2 of the build cert still stuck to tank. Replaced new sender unit and all new fuel hoses throughout the whole system. I had the Rochester carby completely overhauled by a specialist. New fuel line from pump to carby as the original was twisted. A new fuel filter was inserted into the carby inlet 1 month ago. When we arrived at Geroa I poured the last 9.15 litres of jerry can fuel into tank as I did not want it sitting in a hot car for 2 hours. After arriving home from run I removed the sender from top of tank and it still looked like brand new, strainer was clean, pickup was spotless and float moved freely throughout its whole travel. This is the second time in 3 weeks, last time the fuel gauge showed just under 1/2 tank when it ran out. Thanks heaps Gary and Jacki for staying with us. Please guys, any constructive ideas. At the moment I am driving around with 10 l of fuel as backup and staying in the left lane in case she dies again.     :notfair:

Hey Bro forgot to ask you yesterday it's not a air lock is it ? the tank has a vent, either through the fuel cap or alternatively through a breather hose somewhere . Just my 2 cents worth  :nag: :nag: :nag:


Mate am I getting this rite
You used about 30 lt of fuel to kangaroo valley

Have you checked the lift pump
It may work with a full head of fuel but not work when the head drop

2ft head will give 1 psi pressure

As I remember  it  350s transfer fuel back to tank I don't remember just how that works
Worth looking into


80 Vet:
Thanks Jethro and Bob, I always run with the fuel cap loose because in the past I was getting vapour lock every time the cap was removed at the servo. I used 35.4 litres for 135km, thirsty bastard hey, but I was having fun. The only component that has NOT been replaced is the fuel pump. I was under the impression that the diaphragm leaked first and then leaked out of the tell tail when the pump was failing!!! :what:

Hi Chris thats about 10 miles per gallon something seriously wrong there my 81 gives about 16 to 17 on a trip like that . Trouble is things like that are hard to pinpoint , the problem with the cap also sounds odd. I hope you have a good mechanic mate .


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