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C3seat tracks


Has any one had any luck striping C3 seat tracks to overhaul them
There must be a way to pull them apart


--- Quote from: Bfit on December 28, 2012, 08:10:00 PM ---Has any one had any luck striping C3 seat tracks to overhaul them
There must be a way to pull them apart

--- End quote ---

Hi Bob,
I had a spare one that I stripped to see what was involved. The rivets holding the mounting brackets on needed to be drilled out so the two sides could come apart. From memory there was a roller and ball bearing that fell out when I did get them apart.

It turned out to be more of a pain in the a-se then what it was worth.

I ended up refurbing my originals the best I could without stripping them. Cleanup, paint and re-lube.

One thing to note if you replace the tracks, 72 onwards use about 1"+ longer tracks then previous years and the rear mounting bracket will not line up.

thanks for that mate
I spend some time looking and playing with the tracks to see how they are assembled
its not obvious not a great lot of info on the web either.
I will have another look later today

Today I am making a gig to fold up the rear seat mounts


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