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--- Quote from: StephenSLR on October 06, 2012, 06:42:20 PM ---What I'm finding is the pages don't centre properly,  I hit reply and the reply box is off the page and I have to scroll up to access it, too many smilies perhaps?

Also when I clicked the link in my email to take it to the next reply after my post in this thread, the page didn't open at the reply after mine like it's supposed to, I had to scroll the page down to read it.

As mentioned previously, when I reply to this, my reply won't be in the centre of the page, I'll have to scroll the page down to see it.


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--- Quote from: Camo on October 06, 2012, 06:59:53 PM ---It could be because you have changed the default setting on the number of post etc to be displayed.  Change it back to the default setting and see if that makes a difference

--- End quote ---

I haven't changed that setting, but I get the same problem. (Firefox 15.0.1.)

I'll have to go test it in Firefox.   But not tonight.  It's fine on Chrome.  Will look at at during the working week and report back


--- Quote from: Camo on October 06, 2012, 07:02:46 PM ---It's fine on Chrome.
--- End quote ---

I'm using Chrome but what just happened, when I hit quote it now goes into Quick Reply.

Can I change that back?

Edit: Now the replies work good but 'modify' still needs to centre properly.


Up in the very top right hand corner next to the "NSW Corvettes Unlimited Car Club Inc" there is a white arrow.  This collapses the header.  Default is arrow pointing up.  If it is pointing down that may cause the issue.  I just  tested with it pointing down and had to scroll up a little but not much.


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