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Offline bfit

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importing info
« on: August 30, 2012, 10:53:08 AM »
Any of you importing form the US
should know that you can take advantage of the  free trade agreement

the form below  should be supplied by the  seller
as long as the good  are of US origin and or manufacture using  materials Of US origin

this will save you  some money will only be required of invoices over $1000.00 AU

The following declaration refers to the following consignment:-
Bill of Lading/MAWB/HAWB……………………………………….
Invoice Number……………………………………………………….
I declare that the goods arriving on the above details are of “USA Originating Goods” as defined in the US Free Trade Agreement implementation Act 2004 and as such are entitled to the preferential rate of Customs Duty as specified in the US Free Trade Agreement Implementation (Customs Tariff) Act 2004.   
Section 153YB Customs Act – Goods wholly obtained or produced entirely in the US. (Applies only to minerals extracted, animal raised, caught or hunted, and goods thereof. Refer to AUSFTA Rules of origin)
Section 153YC Customs Act – Goods produced entirely in the US or in the US and Australia exclusively from originating materials.
Section 153YE Customs Act – Goods (except clothing and textiles) produces entirely in the US or in Australia from non originating materials.
Section 153YF Customs Act – Goods that are Chemicals, Plastics or Rubber.
Section 153YH Customs Act – Goods that are clothing or textiles produced entirely in the US or in the US and Australia from non-originating materials or a combination of non-originating and originating materials.
Please tick the relevant box which is applicable to your goods.
If required by Australian Customs, I am able to produce evidence that the “US originating Goods” does meet the criteria as specified as above.
              Please claim Preference    YES    /      NO

*** It is important to note that any false or misleading statement made to the acceptance of this declaration may lead to penalty’s under Custom Act Section 243T****

              …………………     ……………………………      …………………….. ………..
Date                   Name Printed          Company Name

Authorized Signature

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Offline c5vette

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importing info
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2012, 09:42:11 PM »
good luck getting someone from GM to fill it out
also most of the parts are from mexico and other countries
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Offline bfit

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importing info
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2012, 10:14:13 PM »
Its often the case a commercial invoice with 50 or so items on it will have some item of US origin
Any saving is worth having
We import out of the  US and yes there is a lot of items  that are not of us origin .
I have a set of wilwood brakes in customs at the present time this form
In  this purchase is worth $180.00 saving
 We have never had a supplier refuse to supplied this declaration
Now if buying a tremec  gear box you would be out of luck made in Mexico
Do the research and know what is being purchased.
I have seen too many instances where people continue to pursue wrong courses of action because they do not take the time to think critically about what has happened in the past.’’
Winston Churchill