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Australian DMV: Racing Stripes on your Classic Corvette? No Registration for You!

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We also just posted this on MOCA after it being sent to us by one of its forum memebrs...

Just in from Gary & Debbie

Click HERE for more

What was the outcome on the day folks,  was it  all :blah: :blah: :blah:

It ended up being a positive day! The ACMC had been in talks with the Govt. for the past 8 monthes or so and They actually listened! The conference was very professional and Duncun Gay (Min for Trans) was very pleasant. I am hopeless with details but basically the Govt and RTA will now work WITH the ACMC when making policies! so that means no more idiot RTA people telling us whats best for us! It was good to see Duncan Gay actually tell the RTA to pull there heads in (figuratively) and to work with the enthusiest comumity and not against. The ACMC had conducted a company to work out the $$$figures of what our industry brings to the country and to NSW.....NSW mod car industry is worth up to $400million annually and something like 900million nationally and employs thousands of jobs SO they had listen!!!!. I think the ACMC has done a fantastic job.

heres a couple of boring conference shots....

and with Mr Rodders life...

and here with this grovelling man??????

He liked Garrys car because it looked like a VIPER!:ral:

Thanks Andy.:thumb:

Gary has sent this in aswell.


ACMC & the Enthusiasts Conference
The ACMC held an Enthusiasts Conference at Eastern Creek on Sunday 26th February where the Minister and the RTA/RMS met with delegates, made a number of announcements and an swered questions.

Following the conference the ACMC issued this statement:

Today’s inaugural Motor Enthusiast Conference was a phenomenal success and we would like to thank all of the conference delegates and car show participants for their enthusiastic contribution.

Over 160 delegates had the opportunity to engage with the Minister and senior members of the RMS whilst outside hundreds of enthusiast cars were on display.

In attendance at the conference were:

Minister for Roads & Ports, Hon Duncan Gay MLC,
Senior Policy Advisor – Mr Andrew Huckel,
Acting Director for Customer and Compliance Services – Mr Peter Wells,
Deputy Director General for Policy and Regulation, Transport NSW –  Mr Tim Reardon,
Principle Manager Roads, Registration and Licencing at Transport for NSW – Mr Terry Hickey
Manager Regulatory Scheme Policy, RMS – Mr Ken Cleary
RMS Vehicle Inspector – Mr Greame Snell,
Street Machine Magazine Editor - Geoff Seddon,

NSW Nationals Party Executive and Conference Chairman – Mr Alan Hay

NSW Nationals Senator John Williams also came alone to show his support for the Motor Enthusiast Community.


The key aspects of Minister Gay’s speech included the following announcements:-

Section 55A of the ‘Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2007’ reinstating the relevance of ancillary documents and alternative options to meet compliance.
A respected member of the Motor Enthusiast Community to be appointed  to the Safety Board that reports to the Minister
A new working group is to be formed in order to review outstanding issues pertaining to standards, legislation and implementation and reporting to the Safety Board. The Working Group is to have representation from the Motor Enthusiast Community, Signatories, RMS, Transport for NSW and NSW Police.
The ‘abridged’ break test is not to be mandatory but at the discretion of the Certifier
The ‘abridged’ break test is to be forwarded to the new working group for review; the Minister insists that any resolution must be safe, practical and affordable.
It is not intended that electronic stability control be mandatory on vehicles that do not already have an ESC.
When a dispute arises over the originality of pre ADR components a panel incorporating the Motor Enthusiast Community will be formed to report their findings to the RMS
VSI 50 will be forwarded to the new working group for resolution
VSB14 and VSI 59 will be forwarded to the new working group for resolution
Following 8+ years of stagnation the ‘National Guidelines for Street-Rod Modification & Construction’ will be forwarded to the new working group for resolution
It has been a historic day for the Motor Enthusiast Community and a new proactive relationship has been entered into with the RMS. There is still much work to be done but we are confident that within this new environment of consultation we can achieve our goals.

In recognition of his unparalleled contribution to the Motor Enthusiast Community; Conference Chairman Alan Hay was appointed Patron of the Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs. Congratulations Alan!

The RMS have provided documented answers to the questions submitted which will be available on the ACMC website on Tuesday.

O'Farrell promised to rein in the power of the former RTA. Dunno if RMS is any better. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, here's Gay's speech:



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