Events > Past Event & Run History
Leadfoot Challenge 2011
Just in from VETTENUT........
Well the Corvette Leadfoot Challenge weekend is back again in 2011 and this year is back at the famous Winton Raceway.
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For those looking for a marvellous weekend encompassing everything about why it’s great to own a Vette (or any automotive branded toy) – then here it is! The Leadfoot Challenge weekend started a long way back as a friendly fun weekend between the Corvettes of Canberra and Corvettes of Melbourne car clubs. This has now grown to be a huge, fun weekend with cars coming from as far as Queensland and people all the way from WA to spectate.
We start off with a nice cruise to Wangaratta to check in to one of the nominated motels. After this a few drinks may be consumed during a night of catching up with old friends and making new ones! Then dawn breaks on Saturday morning and the rustle of drivers and passengers getting ready to head to the famous Winton Motor Raceway is heard. We travel in convoy to the track for a day of fun and entertainment and the chance to try out your toy on a safe environment without the flashing lights, up to a speed where you feel comfortable. The Leadfoot Challenge is an inter club challenge of our Vettes for the legendary Leadfoot Perpetual Trophy! The fastest few Vettes from each club have their times averaged and then this averaged times determine the winning club - so if you don’t want to go flat out, you don’t have to. It’s primarily about having fun and feeling comfortable in a safe environment. The day includes laps against the clock in the morning with only a ! few cars on the track at any one time and each car started off at timed intervals to try and keep them separated from each other. In the afternoon we mix things up with a few other challenging events including autokhana, drags and go-to-whoa events. After the day is done at the track, we head back to Wangaratta for a presentation dinner and a night of relaxing whilst telling tall tales of the days adventures, before cruising home on the Sunday. Don’t miss out on this huge and fun filled event!
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Attached you will find an event summary, itinerary, hotel information and an entry form. This year we are expanding to be across 3 motels and I know people are already starting to book, so be quick and get in now to ensure you don’t miss out on a room. The track is booked for Saturday 22nd October 2011 & the presentation dinner is that night. This event! is open to non Corvettes as well to help meet the numbers and cover the costs, as track days are getting dearer and dearer due to track insurance costs. Corvettes will run in separate track groups to the non-Corvettes as done in all past years. So bring your friends for the weekend and have a ball!
Contact Gary for more information
0409 098 699
:drag: Attention all Corvette leadfoots!!
Our Victorian cousins who were already nervous about this year's coming event, after we gave them a driving lesson last year, are getting a bit worried about the low entry numbers received for Winton.
Come on you guys, dust off the cheque books and get your entries off to Darren asap, so we can continue this annual tradition.
So far we only have Shane Finn, Bob Lynn and myself entered.
:call:Let Darren or myself know if you need more details, otherwise please send off your entry.
OH I would love to have a go at this
May be next year
I'm goin!!!! YEEEEEHAAAA! I'm goin to hunt me some meeses!
:drag: Bring it on DR!!:ado::violin:
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