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These velocity stacks are works of art
Velocity stacks are the lace teddies of high-performance engines. So when Chicagoland's Fluid Motorunion wanted aluminum horns for their project (a BMW M3, pfff) they ran to the AutoCad and created a mockup. Then, they carved out these nasty beastys in three dimensions.
The shop did all the conceptualizing, designing, cutting and assembling in-house — using 6061-grade aluminum, a part-magnesium alloy used in both automotive and aircraft construction. An Aquamist water-methanol injection system runs from a tank at the rear to a manifold that leads to eight direct-injection nozzles. These nozzles sit at the tips of eight arms that reach over the stacks (those are those gothic, flying-buttressy things). The designers wanted it to look mean. Mission accomplished.
Vette Obsessed:
I appreciate that there is surely a lot of planning, fabrication and effort in that setup, but I prefer the look of velocity stacks alone without the "artwork" mounted above them cluttering up the view. :cheers:
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