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wipers not working - troubleshooting time

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Hey all,
Loving all this rainy weather we're having, especially since my vette wipers don't work. Not sure what happened, one day they worked, not they don't. Don't even know where to start in troubleshooting the issue, can't figure out where the problem could be. Have checked the fuse, it's fine. So, short of just buying a new wiper motor, how can I go through and work out if that is the problem or if it's something else entirely?

I don't have the wiring diagram for your model, but a wiper circuit is basically: battery (via ignition switch) -> fuse -> dual-speed switch -> dual-speed motor - > earth.

So, if battery and fuse are okay, then that leaves switch, motor and earth to check.

If I were a betting man, I'd back bad earth or bad switch before bad motor.

In order to do some continuity checking, you need to work out which wire is which on the motor.

I'd use an ohm meter to check that that the motor is getting a good earth. If so, then I'd next use a volt meter to check the switch by seeing if the motor is getting 12 volts in each position.

(Alternatively, some wiper systems have battery on the motor and the motor gets earth via the wiper switch. Again, I don't know which way your model is wired.)

If the switch checks out okay, then it sounds like the motor, and it could be its wiper-park contacts (... or something else). However, before shelling out for a new wiper motor I'd get it checked by an experienced autosparky.

Matt what model car
I have some literature   to trouble shoot  early C3

Matt you have u2u.
Most auto elecs wouldnt know where to start, corvette designers had one two many smokes when they designed & wired wipers

Matt its quite simply if you can read a wiring diagram
Unfortunately all the diagrams I have seen a poorly recreated when drawn
 A multi meter is a must don't get a cheap one
You will get cheap results
 A good one will last you and you a life time.
If you under stand V/IxR  (Volt=V, current = I.resistance =R )  form your school days
You will have no problems (well  they will  not be to difficult )
The main problem with the vette, that I found IS
Finding where all the wire originate from and where it  is where in the vehicle
But asking question here helps some one will have already done what you need to do
 I do know that  in the 69/73 that the motor works  like this
 power is supplied to the center contact of the three
the speed is controlled by the two  earth  contacts
  I can look up the colour code for you if your model in in the range


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