Events > Past Event & Run History

Jan 22nd Charity car show for the Flood victims Now with photos & final total of money raised

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I'm in,

Lets make our club proud and get good numbers for this very worthwhile cause.



I've asked the organisers to reserve at least 30 car spaces for the Corvette Club. Now lets fill 'em with Vettes!!:drag:

72 (scarlet):
ill be there to support the cause.  is there a meet up point before we get there, or just show up at cafe de wheels???


Is this right we will have organized parking ? :ado:
Are you all meeting up or meeting there ?   :beer:
and if so at what time ?
Thanks Tony   :shades:

Hi Tony, yes the organisers have allocated 30 car spots for our club's Corvettes, where they can all park together as a group. We will just meet there from 5.00PM onwards. Start time is billed as 5.30, but it will be pretty busy by then. I suggest everyone get there around 5pm.
I'm looking forward to seeing a good display of 'Vettes. Should be a good night for a worthy cause.


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