Events > 2011

Trophy Winners at Bella Vista 20th March 2011

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For the late starters.... is there opportunity to sign up on the day?

We will still take entries for the show up till 09.00 am on the day to be a part of the Corvette display, with payment of the $10 entry fee going to charity, but unfortunately entries to be judged in the show and shine have closed. We could not leave these judged entries open indefinitely as we have to pre-order trophies specifically for classes entered. this has always been the case.

To all entrants: Don't forget to complete your Lumleys' form on the day and hand it in to the committee table, to obtain a no obligation insurance quote for your pride and joy. One lucky entrant will win a $250 Coles voucher for the few minutes taken to lodge the form!!

was hoping 2 make it ..............  not ready yet  :mad:

Saturday, T minus 1 and counting.........



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