Congratulations NSW Corvettes for putting on a great show to the public today at Bella Vista.
Forty three 'Vette owners braved this mornings torrential rain with a high quality display of show-prepared Corvettes. The standard never ceases to amaze me, as it seems to improve each year.
If you watched this evenings news you would appreciate just how heavy this morning's rain actually was, and those who attended have to be given a big thank you for braving the elements. As the day progressed, the weather improved somewhat, and those who made the effort enjoyed a great day. The promotion of the event by Totally Home Bella Vista's management seemed to have been better targetted this year, with the customer car park areas filled all day. As our 'Vettes were displayed under cover in front of the stores, more room was made available for public parking, and to the delight of the Centre's management, the public kept coming all day.
Totally Home Bella Vista want us back and will work in with whatever and whenever we want!!
Again a big thank you to all participants and your hard working committee for a job well done.
Some photos from one of your hard-working committee members, Nick, follow this post. Further photos will be posted on the web site in a few days' time, from photographer Ekkhard.