Events > Past Event & Run History

Sept 19 - Club run to Bathurst #CE047



The road condition from Tarana back to Lithgow hasn't  improved from last years run, so a change of scenery is a better option instead of having our cars damaged.





Bill Cox organised another great run around Bathurst, this time stopping at O'Connell pub for lunch after a few laps around Mt Panorama.

Workmen were already out & about preparing the track  for the race in a few weeks.  

 The drive to our lunch venue was very scenic and by all accounts the food was great & the service too.  We went home via Oberon where Charlie's 65 had a slight wheelbearing problem, but was driveable and we hope made it home OK.

For pics, click our models, who generously allowed us to take a photo in their race gear.


Thanks Bill :beer:


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