Technical Tips > Pre 84

What bonding glue do I use?


I have to fit a new front clip to my 1958. I can buy the correct bonding glue from the USA but is it available in Oz? Someone told me to use urethane but I know that is not the best glue for bonding a complete front clip. Any ideas?

When I was glassing on my new bonnet scoop I asked around all the local places and all they could suggest was to use any polyester filler as a bonding agent and considering I was glassing over both sides I went with that idea. I did end up using a fibreglass impregnated filler, but how that would go for bonding on an entire front clip I couldn't say.
Sounds like something worht investigating a little further tho. I'll try to find out for you if i can.

What about checking some boat manufacturers?

thanks for trying to find out for me.


--- Quote ---Originally posted by 77CVT
What about checking some boat manufacturers?
--- End quote ---

Chris...They were the ones that suggested that I use polyester car bog as a jointing compound.  Even tho that stuff is compatible with the resin we use, I doubt it's strength for use as a bonding agent in this sort of application.


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