Technical Tips > Radiators - Cooling


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.. Q: Why has nobody.. and correct me if I'm wrong... seemingly produced a 60's thru various 82 era... GM  reproduction Fan Shroulds...?.. I sent a gentleman over to Scott today for one of the fibreglass type.... but looking around the market would  seem nobody has made them.. ??... a proper point score... GM repro... ..??

This guy claims to have some in metal (60-62):

I guess if there was a great demand for repro shrouds from the NCRS community, then somebody would make them.

From what I've seen and heard, many people take the shrouds off anyway and install electric fans. (I'm not one of those.)

.. yer.. fair enough.. supply and demand.. I was probably more surprised then anything that nobody does them ... but when you see BUEATIFULLY reproduced parts for Corvettes like  steering wheels and ornaments, trim, panel sections, bumpers, gauges, etc etc.. yet the humble fan shrould  as major visual.. especially for concerned Corvette restorers..  I did find & had a reply from one US crowd who for US$189 in the USA (not a$ and NOT here)... they had  molded urethane.. but from a"sand cast" which is not as crisp or sharp as alloy injection molding..

i guess the reason allso would be that the shrouds differ from model to model and there not something that were out or break down,allso supply and demand


I just did a search for my car for arguments sake. Here's one for $150


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